CAT20 Platform
The Beggy CAT20 Platform is a key contribution to Beggy's tokenomics, increasing both the value and notoriety of the Beggy Ordinal Collection and the Beggy CAT20 Token. All Beggy holders receive an airdrop of CAT20 tokens, unlocking rewards and staking opportunities.
Beggy Adopting the CAT Protocol
Our platform allows users to mint CAT20-compliant tokens directly on the Fractal Bitcoin blockchain, providing a user-friendly, open-source interface. Leveraging the OP_CAT opcode within Bitcoin's scripting system, users can easily configure token details and manage transactions.
Set token details like name, Token ID, supply limit, decimals, and mint limits.
Handles wallet connection checks and manages minting state.
Dynamically calculates fee rates and broadcasts transactions smoothly.
Token Creation - Easily create new CAT20 tokens.
Token Minting - Mint your CAT20 tokens through our intuitive interface.
Token Transfer - Trade or transfer tokens between wallets.
Portfolio Management - Track your tokens, monitor their performance, and review trading activities (feature not included in the Beta version).
Service Fees
OG Beggys (10+ Beggys):
• All services on the platform are free for Beggy holders. Simply connect your wallet with Beggys, and the system will activate free mode. Users are only responsible for network gas fees.
• Holders of 5 or more Beggys receive personalized support in addition to free access to all platform services. Users are only responsible for network gas fees.
Non-Beggy Holders:
• Service fees are applied for all actions, including minting, deploying, splitting UTXOs, and transferring tokens. Additionally, network fees apply.
Service Fee Details
Mint/Splitting UTXO: 0.15 FB
Token Deployment: 0.15 FB
Transfer: 0.15 FB
Note: Network fees apply for all transactions.
Splitting UTXO?
Platform Usage Guide
Getting Started
Minting CAT20 Tokens
Deploying a CAT20 Token
Trading CAT20 Tokens
Managing Your Portfolio
Last updated